PAULMAN Cool Roofs, where innovation converges with sustainability to create a cooler environment for tomorrow. Our roofs feature advanced technology that reduces temperatures by an impressive 5 to 10 °C. This is made possible through our thermo insulation technology and three-layer protection system. Choose PAULMAN and enjoy a cooler indoor environment while contributing to a greener future. With PAULMAN Cool Roofs, embrace comfort, sustainability, and innovation in one solution.

  • Energy Efficient: Reduce cooling costs by reflecting sunlight and absorbing less heat.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Lower heat island effect and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Extended Roof Lifespan: Less thermal stress leads to longer-lasting roofs.


Technical Properties Specifications
Metal roof material PPGL,BGL,ALUMINUM
Roofing Sheet Thickness 0.35,0.40,0.47,0.50,0.60(MM)
Insulation Materials XLPE,EPE,AIR BUBBLE
Insulation Thickness 5MM TO 50MM
Density XLP - 18 To 25 XLPE-27 TO 33
Emmisivity 3% To 5%
Reflectivity 95% To 97%
Impact 5 to 10 degree reduce inside temperature
Operating temperature -40C To 110C
Noise Reduction 30 To 40 DB
Corrosion Resistance No Visible Sign of Corrosion